Author: Sasha Aparicio

5 Household Herbs and Botanicals that Lower Blood Pressure 

Herbs and botanicals have the potential to play a beneficial role in the global hypertension crisis. In this article, I introduce you to plant-based therapies, including many using plants that can be grown in your own home and have clinical…

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Edited and Fact Checked:

Gina Jansheski, MD

Natural Ways to Remedy Chronic and Recurring UTIs

Urinary tract infections, typically referred to as UTIs, are common infections of the urinary tract and related organs with one (or rarely more) bacterial or fungal strain.  ​​Women are much more likely to get UTIs than men, but they can…

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An Introductory Guide to Probiotics

Introduction to Probiotics Research has shown focusing on improving your gut health may help improve your overall feeling of health and wellness.  From getting frequent colds to feeling groggy and having a hard time concentrating, your gut is intimately connected…

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Edited and Facts Checked:

Mackenzie Hagan, BS, PhD