Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done, let alone work out? From rushing to get to work on time to the long list of errands waiting for you afterward, it’s…
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Category: Fitness
Edited and Fact Checked by:

Gina M Jansheski, M.D
Best Protein Source– Animal or plant-based?
Best protein – Animal-based or plant-based? All food sources of protein are not created equal. The amount of protein you get from one source may be different to another even when consuming similar quantities of the food. There are…
Edited and Fact Checked:

Mackenzie Hagan, BS, PhD
7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes You Need to Try
7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes You Need to Try Smoothies can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how you make them and what ingredients you use. Do you know how to make your smoothie recipes nutritious? If not, you are…
Edited and Fact Checked by:

Mackenzie Hagan, BS, PhD
High-Intensity Interval Training Buzz
High-Intensity Interval Training Exercising regularly is great. You have probably heard that a million times already, and in truth, you would probably hear it a million more times—that’s because it’s true. There are multiple reasons why people would want to…